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Transport Tips for Germany

Getting Cheapest Train Tickets in Germany

Over the years, the Deutsche Bahn has been trying to improve their online services at Today, you can now conduct a transaction in at least 10 languages.

Language aside, though, what may be self-evident to its regular online customers might be missed by those who may be ordering their cheapest train tickets in Germany via the DB ticketing portal for the first time.

So, here are some beginners’ tips to help you navigate the site to make sure you are getting those  exact cheapest train tickets in Germany you want, plus help you to plan your trip better.

"Start page of Deutsche Bahn for online train ticket booking for getting cheapest train tickets in Germany"

Supposedly the English version, but still in German, here’s where you indicate your departure location (von) and your arrival destination (nach). It’s important to indicate your preferred departure time (Uhrzeit). Then, hit “Suche”.

Next, you get here, where you can choose the language of your choice.

"Deutsche Bahn online ticket booking window for choice of language in getting cheapest train tickets in Germany for you"

This will be the page where you can refine your search.

"Deutsche Bahn online ticket booking window for getting cheapest train ticket in Germany any time"

Depending on the time you want to travel, these are the tickets and their respective prices.

"Choice of trains available and ticket price in the DB ticketing portal for finding cheapest train tickets in Germany any time"

Here is where it can help you to plan your journey better.

The arrow points to the duration of the trip and what’s highlighted in the oval is the number of train changes you will need to get to your destination.

"Indication of travel duration and number of train changes when ordering cheapest train tickets in Germany online"

On the left border of the ticket you’ve chosen is a white arrow that you click to display the details of your train journey (what time the connecting trains go, duration of each part of the journey and on what platform to find the next connecting train.)


Once you’ve chosen the ticket that’s right for your needs, go on to purchase it.

"ordering and paying your cheapest train tickets in Germany online"

You could choose to register for future purchases, or just click to purchase without registering. The advantage of registering is that you can buy a ticket for a third party: for example if you are buying a ticket for your son or daughter but will not be traveling with them.

"Ordering and paying your cheapest train tickets in Germany online"

The Deutsche Bahn would require some form of proof that you are the one using the ticket. Here you are given the choice as to what document you would wish to be identified as the passenger. It could be the credit card you used for the purchase or an official document like a national identity card.

"paying and ordering your cheapest train tickets in Germany any time"

Last step would be to choose the manner of delivery of the ticket. Best to choose to print it yourself.

"paying and ordering your cheapest train tickets in Germany any time"

From here, it’s just a click away from getting the cheapest train tickets in Germany.

But first find out what the cheapest train tickets are HERE.

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