Metz – A Winning Number In the French Tourism Roulette
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Metz – A Winning Number In the French Tourism Roulette

When you pick a provincial city in France as your holiday base or destination, you never know in advance what you will be getting. Some of these cities are prosperous, well-kept, lively and colourful – others drab and full of the stench of misery and neglect. I call this the French Tourism Roulette. Not everything…

Brescia – 2000 Years of Good Taste and High-Quality Craftsmanship
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Brescia – 2000 Years of Good Taste and High-Quality Craftsmanship

This week, we will serve you another slice of unknown Italy but with a twist to the recipe. While last week’s destination of Udine is, roughly following the famous Donald Rumsfeld classification of unfamiliar objects, very much an “unknown unknown” (think: obscure medieval poets), the city of Brescia is “known-unknown” in the fashion of Edmund…

Journey into Unknown Italy – Udine and Its Tragedies
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Journey into Unknown Italy – Udine and Its Tragedies

No country in the world benefits as much (materially) from tourism as Italy – or suffers as much from its consequences. Other countries may attract more visitors, but these visitors are spread out more thinly over a vast territory (the USA), are more concentrated in a few coastal resorts (Mexico), or both (France). In Italy…

The Three Unique Selling Points of Bremen
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The Three Unique Selling Points of Bremen

When Germany was rebuilt from the ruins of WWII, the city fathers of every German town made sure that at least a few streets would be restored to their pre-war appearance. This, I believe, was meant to reassure the citizens that not all ancient traditions, beliefs and cultural foundations would be swept away with the…

A Scenic Walk Around Bremen’s Ring of Water
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A Scenic Walk Around Bremen’s Ring of Water

After the downfall of the Third Reich, Germany was rebuilt from the ruins of war in a hurry, and, more often than not, it shows. Throughout the 1950s, as Germany was clearing up the WWII rubble and slowly finding its feet again, the priority for politicians and urban planners was to build what was urgently…

Jerusalem – Blazing Thunderstorm of Noises and Colours

Jerusalem – Blazing Thunderstorm of Noises and Colours

Gathering tourism experiences has been the Easy Hikers’ primary occupation for these past 10 or 15 years, so you may trust me when I say that popular destinations generally have more in common than we would ideally wish them to. Seaside walks and beach promenades resemble each other to the point where they seem virtually…

Fall in Love With Modern Architecture in Tel Aviv

Fall in Love With Modern Architecture in Tel Aviv

Modern architecture is difficult to love. It is not so much the concept that is the problem here: all of us can easily agree that its principles are fine and noble – simplicity (less is more), an appearance of elegant restraint (ornament is crime), transparency of structure (form follows function). But while this theory has…