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Walking in Paris

Unable to plan a day hike recently, the Easy Hikers decided instead to take a short walk in a cold drizzly romantic Paris, following the “trail” most couples would do along the Avenue des ChampsÉlysées leading up to the Concorde and the Jardins des Tuileries.

Cold Drizzly Romantic Paris

"A cold drizzly romantic Paris view of the Invalid from the Jardin des Tuileries"
The grey wintry haze fails to hide the charm of the golden domed Invalides
"A cold drizzly romantic Paris view of the Carousel in the Jardin des Tuileries"

Planning a romantic getaway in the spring is the easiest thing in the world. In April, when the trees are springing back into life and birdsong fills the air, even the grimiest industrial town may feel like the perfect backdrop for a romantic experience.

It is winter that shows off the Barcelonas from the Barnsleys of this world, the Monte Carlos from the Motowns.

"A cold drizzly romantic Paris in the Jardin des Tuileries"

But it is Paris, of course, that offers more romance bang for your buck than any other city on earth. On a cold and wet January afternoon, it is one of the few places that can make you think, yes, this strangely faint and hazy thing called winter light can actually, under certain circumstances, surpass the beauty of a summer’s day. You would enjoy a city break to Paris if you are a person that appreciates romance.

Although even in Paris, there is no escaping from a cold eastern wind – or is there?

"Pigeons seeking shelter from wintry winds on the other side of a statue of a horse atop a gate in the Jardins de Tuileries"
 Is a walk in cold drizzly romantic Paris for you? 

Get some more tips on where to go for a romantic walk in Paris HERE

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