Crossing Mountains and Border Lines in Piemonte
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Crossing Mountains and Border Lines in Piemonte

Travelling through Europe means crossing mountains and border lines, lines that have – for whatever reason – survived the medieval warlords who drew them in the sand centuries ago, but also rivers and mountains that, once almost insurmountable, have continued to divide tribes and nations for thousands of years. Borders such as the mountain range…

A Penitent’s Walk On the Sacred Mountain of Domodossola
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A Penitent’s Walk On the Sacred Mountain of Domodossola

Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the 15 sculpted stations of the cross on the Sacred Mountain of Domodossola provide a fascinating experience, even in the rain – or, perhaps, particularly so One thing you have to say for the Alps, they don’t do much by halves there. Europe’s highest mountain range has proper…

Lake Antrona – Sparkling Diamond of the Ossola Valley
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Lake Antrona – Sparkling Diamond of the Ossola Valley

How to brighten up a cold, wet and miserable day in the Italian Alps. In the unlikely event that an extraterrestrial were to land in front of my house, driven by the need to find out what earthlings found so recreational by walking from one place to another and demanding the briefest possible explanation of…

Orridi di Uriezzo – Be Astounded by its Beauty
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Orridi di Uriezzo – Be Astounded by its Beauty

An expedition down the Toce river reveals that the Orridi di Uriezzo are actually quite beautiful One of the main forces that have shaped the landscape of the Ossola valleys is water. During the last ice age, all valleys – main valley and seven side valleys – were covered by approx. 1 km of ice…

A Town Walk in Turin
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A Town Walk in Turin

Meet two of modern Italy’s founding fathers, a two-faced royal mansion and the world’s tallest museum In addition to the San Michele hike from our last post, we have prepared two more tours in Turin for you: one “town” walk and one “country” walk, both of them relatively short (with lengths of two to three…

Hiking in Turin in the Italian Alps of Piemonte
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Hiking in Turin in the Italian Alps of Piemonte

The Sacra di San Michele near Turin is Northern Italy’s grandest and most sacred abbey. Italy’s industrial heartland lies within a triangle formed by Genoa, Milan and Torino, but, this being Italy, these three great industrial towns are hardly the equivalent of Dortmund, Manchester or Cleveland and pack a powerful “triple punch” of beautiful architecture,…