In Search of Modernist Architecture in Paris
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In Search of Modernist Architecture in Paris

Paris, as we have documented many times, has practically everything that makes a city worthwhile visiting: great art, great food, great history, even – believe it or not – great one-day hikes. More than enough of the latter, in fact, to fill nearly a whole website. Considering all that, it feels almost rude to voice…

The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018
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The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018

Our final word from last month’s Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany, and we have deliberately set today’s walk apart from the other posts. For two reasons: firstly because the Sentiere Elsa is only incidentally linked to the festival’s central themes (of drilling deep into your holiday destination instead of merely skipping over its surface), through…

Vienna Walk with Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, et al
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Vienna Walk with Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, et al

In this week’s trip around Vienna City of Music, we shall leave the Austrian capital’s city centre and stay on its periphery before we branch out, encountering different faces of residential Vienna. As always on these city walks, you should keep your eyes open – there is much to discover. All large cities – not…

Waltzing Through the Streets of Vienna City of Music
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Waltzing Through the Streets of Vienna City of Music

If Paris is the City of Light, then Vienna must be the City of Music. Every day, the Austrian capital hosts music performances for 10,000 people – and a grand total of 15,000 musical events per year. But Vienna is the City of Music in another way, too. There is no other place on earth…

Our Easy Hike Along the Goethe Trail in Germany
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Our Easy Hike Along the Goethe Trail in Germany

Several posts ago, I said that there were no more bits of “undiscovered” or unknown Italy. Germany, however, present a different picture. One might even say that Germany consists wholly of unknown regions – as far as the rest of the world is concerned, that is. Inside Germany, this is a different matter: the Germans’…