Pietra Ligure Shows Us the Simple Pleasures of Travelling in Italy
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Pietra Ligure Shows Us the Simple Pleasures of Travelling in Italy

One of the best – perhaps the best – thing about travelling in Italy is this: you arrive at your destination and find that everything is better than you felt you had a right to expect. You go to eat in a simple trattoria (or simply buy something from a bakery) and the food is…

The Good and the Ugly of a River Walk Along the Var
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The Good and the Ugly of a River Walk Along the Var

River walks are popular, and it is easy to understand why. There is always a variety of scenic motives on show (inland and water landscapes). Villages, boats and other elements of river (bank) traffic provide a constant stream of entertainment. Plus you can concentrate on the sights because the trails are always easy to follow….

Defining Easy Hiking in Tecklenburg
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Defining Easy Hiking in Tecklenburg

What exactly does “easy hiking” mean? Occasionally, people still ask me that question, particularly if they have just received our calling card. One would think that I, after all these years, had developed a one-sentence standard reply, something along the lines of “adventures for beginners” with a bit more meat on the bones, but one…

Tackle the Uphill Walk from Ospedaletti to Coldirodi
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Tackle the Uphill Walk from Ospedaletti to Coldirodi

If you are familiar with the landscapes of north-western Italy, you will know that many towns along the Riviera coast are “twinned“ with an older village in the mountains. The reason for this is that coastal settlements were deemed unsafe during the long period between antiquity and the restoration of order under effective governments sometime…

The Little Prince Walk – The Calanques in a Minor Key
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The Little Prince Walk – The Calanques in a Minor Key

If you have the time to spend an entire weekend exploring the Calanques National Park near the southern French port city of Marseilles, we recommend you take the Three Calanques Hike that we described last week. This is without a doubt one of the most glorious and rewarding walks anywhere on the coast of the…

Three Calanques Hike in One Gorgeous Day
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Three Calanques Hike in One Gorgeous Day

A few months ago, I was mulling over a Guide-Michelin-type of system for hikes and the criteria that such a system might apply to distinguish between one-star, two-star and three-star trails. At the time, I was exploring the idea of finding beauty and joy in (relatively) routine experiences. But the truth of the matter is…

When the Going Gets Wet Should You Get Going?

When the Going Gets Wet Should You Get Going?

Every season in the hiking calendar has its special rewards, but also its specific problems. On the northern Mediterranean rim, at around this time of the year, winter with its forbiddingly short days is coming to a close and the mimosas – those harbingers of spring – brighten up the hillsides with their sparkling yellows….