March Like a Legionnaire on a Stretch of Via Iulia Augusta
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March Like a Legionnaire on a Stretch of Via Iulia Augusta

The Romans never much liked the Riviera. They found its stony slopes too tiresome for agriculture, its small settlements too poor to plunder, and its mountainous interior too difficult to protect against the troublesome natives. Which is why the Romans did not settle in great numbers here and only ever built a few garrisons in…

The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018
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The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018

Our final word from last month’s Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany, and we have deliberately set today’s walk apart from the other posts. For two reasons: firstly because the Sentiere Elsa is only incidentally linked to the festival’s central themes (of drilling deep into your holiday destination instead of merely skipping over its surface), through…

The Hike to Santa Croce in Alassio is a Pleasant One
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The Hike to Santa Croce in Alassio is a Pleasant One

Michelin classifies sites and restaurants with a simple three-star system: sites are either “interesting”, “worth a detour” or “worth a trip”. Please note that this is not simply a way of saying “good”, “better” and “even better”: 3-star attractions such as Florence and Venice are good in different ways from a picturesque fishing village. A…

Pescara and Viareggio: Interesting But Not Beautiful

Pescara and Viareggio: Interesting But Not Beautiful

There are many ways in which you can divide up human beings meaningfully in two groups: NOT on the basis of whether they hear yanny or laurel or whether the colours on “the dress“ are black and blue or white and gold.  But take for example holiday destinations: are you attracted to travel destinations because…