Crossing Mountains and Border Lines in Piemonte
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Crossing Mountains and Border Lines in Piemonte

Travelling through Europe means crossing mountains and border lines, lines that have – for whatever reason – survived the medieval warlords who drew them in the sand centuries ago, but also rivers and mountains that, once almost insurmountable, have continued to divide tribes and nations for thousands of years. Borders such as the mountain range…

Pietra Ligure Shows Us the Simple Pleasures of Travelling in Italy
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Pietra Ligure Shows Us the Simple Pleasures of Travelling in Italy

One of the best – perhaps the best – thing about travelling in Italy is this: you arrive at your destination and find that everything is better than you felt you had a right to expect. You go to eat in a simple trattoria (or simply buy something from a bakery) and the food is…

Tackle the Uphill Walk from Ospedaletti to Coldirodi
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Tackle the Uphill Walk from Ospedaletti to Coldirodi

If you are familiar with the landscapes of north-western Italy, you will know that many towns along the Riviera coast are “twinned“ with an older village in the mountains. The reason for this is that coastal settlements were deemed unsafe during the long period between antiquity and the restoration of order under effective governments sometime…

March Like a Legionnaire on a Stretch of Via Iulia Augusta
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March Like a Legionnaire on a Stretch of Via Iulia Augusta

The Romans never much liked the Riviera. They found its stony slopes too tiresome for agriculture, its small settlements too poor to plunder, and its mountainous interior too difficult to protect against the troublesome natives. Which is why the Romans did not settle in great numbers here and only ever built a few garrisons in…

The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018
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The Best of the Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany 2018

Our final word from last month’s Slow Travel Fest in Tuscany, and we have deliberately set today’s walk apart from the other posts. For two reasons: firstly because the Sentiere Elsa is only incidentally linked to the festival’s central themes (of drilling deep into your holiday destination instead of merely skipping over its surface), through…